Women represent just 16% of Michigan’s local chief administrative officers. This leadership gap is inexcusable. We’re doing something about it.
Highly qualified women entering the field encounter barriers in the selection process. The next generation of female leaders is being left untapped. Aspiring managers are eager for development opportunities to advance and prepare them for greater responsibilities. Through the 16/50 Project, the Michigan Municipal League is working to address these issues. We’re ready to move the needle upward on the number of women serving at the most executive level of government.
Learn more about the barriers for female professionals seeking to move toward the chief administrative officer roles in local government by reading ICMA’s Report on the Status of Women in the Profession.
The 16/50 Project is supported by organizations dedicated to the empowerment of women as leaders. Thanks to their assistance, we are able to execute these programs and provide these resources.
Lead Sponsor:
Advocate Sponsor:
In 2014, ICMA issued its Report on the Status of Women in the Profession, detailing the case for female leadership in local government chief administrative offices.
The report found:
The demographics of an organization have shown to influence individual behavior, culture, employee health, and organizational performance. A lack of gender diversity in organizations can have a big price tag in lost productivity and financial success. With no or few women in positions of power, gender persists as a salient factor with negative consequences for women throughout an organization, despite balanced representation in non-managerial roles. Striving for more diversity can have a huge payoff for communities. In addition, as we strive to deal with changing demographics and ensure that the workforce at all levels reflects the communities being served, embracing diversity of all types—including gender—is essential for the future health of our communities. |
16/50 will be proactive in outreach and recruitment to help bring interested candidates to the profession and encourage women just getting started.
Women make up over 50 percent of Michigan’s population, but just 16 percent of our local government chief administrative officials.
The 16/50 Project is putting women in leadership positions right now – and together, you can help us do even more.
Join us on Giving Tuesday in standing together for future women leaders – and making gender equity a reality for Michigan communities.
Mark your calendar for Giving Tuesday (December 3), share our campaign with your network, or go ahead and make your gift right now.