The purpose of MME is to foster and encourage the personal and professional development of its members in order that they may better serve their communities and to promote, encourage, and preserve high ethical standards for municipal administrators.
Related Organizations

League of Women in Government
The League of Women in Government (LWG) serves as the umbrella organization to support local and statewide organizations that advance women in local government leadership.

International City/County Management Association
This worldwide organization provides technical and management assistance, training, and information resources in the areas of performance measurement, ethics education and training, community and economic development, environmental management, technology, and other topics to its members and the broader local government community.
Reports & Research

In September 2012, ICMA established a Task Force on Women in the Profession to evaluate the barriers facing women in the local government profession and to develop strategies to remove the barriers for those female professionals seeking to move towards the chief administrative officer roles in local government. The task force presented their final report in September 2014.
MME Scholarship Program
The MME Professional Development Committee provides generous scholarships throughout the year for MME conferences, state and national conferences, leadership training institutes, and educational programming.
MME Fellowship Program
MME, in conjunction with participating Michigan universities, sponsors two paid internship opportunities every summer for hands-on experience in a community.