Battle Creek Community Foundation Makes Training Possible for Women Leaders

Thanks to support from the Battle Creek Community Foundation, three Battle Creek women are partaking in the 2019 Women’s Municipal Leadership Program. The 16/50 Project’s five-month development opportunity empowers leaders to make bold moves toward the local government top spot with access to critical topic education and executive development.

Shawna Allen
City of Battle Creek

Marcie Gillette
City of Battle Creek

Danielle Richardson
City of Battle Creek
Shawna Allen
Shawna Allen is an Executive Assistant in the Office of the City Manager at the City of Battle Creek. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Organizational Management and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Human Resources Administration at Western Michigan University. Shawna has more than thirteen years experience in local government and upon completing her degree looks forward to advancing her career within the field.
Marcie Gillette
Marcie Gillette is the Community Services Director for the City of Battle Creek where she leads the work of the Code Compliance, Community Development, Inspections, and Planning / Zoning Divisions. In her role, she is responsible for uplifting, supporting, protecting and enforcing the community’s health of people and place. She strives to implement solution-oriented government that is rooted in community needs and engagement. Ms. Gillette has spent her entire professional career in local government serving in various roles at the City since 1997. She holds a master’s degree in Organizational Leadership and a bachelor’s degree in Human Services Administration from Siena Heights University.
Danielle Richardson
Danielle Richardson graduated from Central Michigan University in 2007 with a double major in Commercial and Community Recreation. She began her journey with local government as an intern in 2007 with the Battle Creek Recreation Department and now as the Recreation Services Manager. She obtained a master’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Leadership. She is excited to have this opportunity to better herself as a leader and learn more about municipal government.
The 16/50 Project is putting women in leadership positions right now – and together, you can help us do even more.
On Tuesday, Dec. 3, the world will come together to celebrate the holiday season by giving back and creating change – and the Michigan Municipal League Foundation kicks off Giving Tuesday with a campaign to build support for the 16/50 Project.
Join us on Giving Tuesday in standing together for future women leaders in local government – and making gender equity a reality for Michigan communities.
Mark Giving Tuesday on your calendar for Tuesday, Dec. 3, or just go ahead and make your gift now.
Click here to learn more about the Women’s Municipal Leadership Program.
Emily Kieliszewski
Membership Engagement Specialist, Michigan Municipal League
Emily Kieliszewski serves as the League’s Membership Engagement Specialist. In this role, Emily strategically coordinates with all areas of the League to connect members with resources they need; enhances member engagement through the execution of various outreach, programs, and events; and maintains strong relationships with League members. Emily manages the 16/50 Project and is also the host of the League’s Limelight podcast.